Today company Antalika has many partners in various areas.

Here you can read more about some of them and get an idea, with which business areas we cooperate and execute joint projects in developing new solutions.

Company “Alt Linux“.

Company “ALT Linux” is a leader in the development of free software and Linux-based distributions in Russia. At a present time the company “ALT Linux” is the only company in Russia, which has full technical cycle for release, support and preparation for Linux distributions.

The company produces reliable and multifunctional operating systems based on GUI / Linux for workstations and servers, it is also responsible for implementing a wide range of solutions based on ALT Linux systems, exercising their maintenance and support. In addition, the company develops system software for UNIX and is engaged in cross-platform development.

The company has organized an active community of users and developers of free software, interest which brings together the representatives of different sectors of employment and occupation. Members of the community are constantly in contact and support communication.

The most important project of “ALT Linux” is a daily updated repository Sisyphus, more than 150 people, most of whom are independent developers from Russia and other countries work on it.

Consulting Group ”РУНА“.

Company’s field of activity is consulting. Group “РУНА” today consists of four companies that provide legal information and counstin in the related to this field directions. Today the company has more than 7,000 regular customers and has the staff of more than 700 skilled employees.

Companies of the “РУНА” group are engaged in production and support of information-legal framework “Consultant”, selling and servicing 1C systems, developing and conducting training sessions for sales and service, as well as the development of programs to improve the professional competence for managers and staff estimation. Furthermore, the group isreleasing the professional journal “Время бухгалтера” and conducts seminars and lectures in the accounting and taxation area.

Company “Quantum Art“.

“Quantum Art” is engaged in software development and appears to be one of the leading companies in this field. The company’s headquarters is in New York and its branches are located in several cities all over the world – in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk, San Francisco and Mumbai (India).

The organization implements projects for clients such as IBS, ”Юкос”, “Росинтер”, “ABBY”, “Русский продукт”, “Сибинтек”, “Русская Медиа Группа”, “Теплоимпорт” и “ФБК”.

Solutions of “Quantum Art” are based on open standards. The company offers a single platform for managing sales, supplies and data exchange infrastructure; limited integration of internal applications with solutions,  trading platforms and online services of the third-party developers; solutions for the development of new functional properties to meet the specific needs of the company.

Electronic payment service ”Robokassa“.

ROBOKASSA is a service that allows sellers (online shops, service providers) to receive payments from customers using credit cards, in any e-currency, using mobile commerce services (MTS, Megafon, Beeline), payments through the Internet banking of the leading banks in Russian Federation, payments through ATMs, via instant payment terminals, as well as using the application for the iPhone.

ROBOKASSA is a universal solution to the problem of accepting payments from your customers.
Started in 2003, ROBOKASSA has established itself as a highly reliable service for accepting payments. Clients of the system are more than 10 000 companies, including major Russian companies, small and medium businesses, government organizations, as well as foreign companies.

Accepting payments is conducted via secure a secure connection. ОКЕАН БАНК (JSC) has been certified for compliance with PCI DSS standarts. This certificate confirms that the technology applied by ROBOKASSA, that governs safety of the cardholders, meet the most stringent requirements.

Company “LiveTex“.

LiveTex is the first company on the Russian market that offers not just an online consulting service, but a whole set of solutions for communication with site visitors: online consultant, “Lead Generator”, call from a site, the intelligent system that involves visitors in a dialogue that allows to offer help in the most opportune time, improving the quality of service and sales.

Over the past two years LiveTex has approved on the market the notion of online consulting, staff has developed a set of new technologies for communication with site visitors and engaging them in the dialogue, bringing a new standard of communication with customers.

LiveTex occupies a leading position on the market due to its innovative approach and excellent built business processes. Among the LiveTex clients are many of the leaders of the Russian Internet and large organizations: HeadHunter, KupiVIP, РБК, Работа.ру, Мегафон, Сбербанк, Кассир.ру, Связной and more than 4,000 other companies.

Besides the development of services for communication, LiveTex takes an active role in the Internet industry: it is a member of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications, the company employees conduct training seminars on Internet marketing in many cities of Russia, the company is involved in most of the major industry events such as the Russian Internet Forum + Conference “Internet and Business”, RIW, St. Petersburg Internet Conference as an exhibitor and the organizer of the thematic sections.

Fast delivery service “UniSender“.

UniSender has unique abilities to deliver messages via email and SMS in a single account. Here are only the most important features that will allow you to organize effective campaigns:

Quick e-mail and SMS mailing
UniSender provides convenient means of delivering electronic messages. You simply download the contacts (e-mail address or mobile phone number ) of your customers and  composer a letter, but technical issues of the delivery we take for ourselves. You do not need to pay for setup and maintenance of e-mail servers or to solve the problems associated with getting into the spam lists .
Automatic sending of letters series adds features of interactive marketing  and SMS delivery rapidly reduces the time to deliver information to your subscribers .

Mailing lists management
UniSender performs management of subscription, unsubscribing, sifting of the inoperative addresses, problem solving of spam filtering automatically, without requiring your attention.
Visitors of your site subscribe themselves to the mailing list using the offered ready-made web forms. To get started, you can import the addresses of existing subscribers from Microsoft Outlook, Excel or text file.

Mailing lists that delight the eye
You can create your colorful mail messages using a simple visual editor, decorate them with illustrations and complement using attachments. You can use many beautiful templates, created by professional designers.
And it’s all absolutely free!

Effectiveness of the campaigns analysis
It is important to get a quick return on investment? We offer a convenient way to collect statistics, analysis of advertising campaigns and improvement of ROI rates. Using our tools, each new delivery will be more efficient than the previous one.
You need no additional steps to integrate external systems for tracking effectiveness. All of this is included in the basic package of UniSender service.

Antalika company values ​​its partners and is always open for mutually beneficial cooperation with all organizations and individuals.