Social Shopping.

Module “Social Shopping”.

The new module is designed to interact with social networks, hence its name – Social Shopping. With this module registered on your site users are able to purchase actions with an additional discount.

You can also watch a video about this module:

For gettin additional discount, the user must share a link to the action in one of the social networks. At the moment the module works with social services such as Одноклассники, Vkontakte, Facebook, and Twitter.

One user have an average of 50 to 350 friends in a social network. Number of referrals appears to be 5-12% of the total number of friends. Average number of referrals is equal to 7% of the user’s friends. In the table below you can see how many hits will be made if one user has from 50 to 350 friends.

Moreover, if you use contextual advertising to attract users to your website, the cost per click is equal to an average of $ 0.5 to $ 2. In the table we calculated how much you can save from the hits made through the link posted in once’s account.

Number of friends one user has Average number of transitions from one link to action Save on transitions at $ 0.5 per click Save on transitions at $ 2 per click Save on transitions at an average cost of $ 1 transition per click
50 3,5 $1,75 $7 $3,5
100 7 $3,5 $14 $7
150 10,5 $5,25 $21 $10,5
200 14 $7 $28 $14
250 17,5 $8,75 $35 $17,5
300 21 $10,5 $42 $21
350 24,5 $12,25 $49 $24,5

It turns out that one posting of a link made ​​by one user in his account saves you from $ 3.5 to $ 24.5. If we assume that 100 users, each of which has 100 friends, put in his profile one link to the action and 7% of his friends went to your website via this link, we get: 100*100*0.07=700 transitions. At an average price of $ 1 per click, we get 700*1$=$700 savings from 100 placed links. If we consider that the transition cost can reach up to $ 2, the savings could be 700*$2=$1400 savings from 100 placed links.

Besides saving on conversions on your site, you get the ability to increase the number of regular users and replenish subscriber base, which leads to a gradual increase in profit from the work of your collective buying service. Plus, you should consider the viral effect of placing links – the friends of user, who posted the link, share it with their friends, which increases the potential number of transitions to your website, and you are not paying for their transitions a cent!

How does the module looks like on the site?

When viewing the action, the user sees an additional pop-up window that offers to get even larger discount, if a user publishes a link to this action in one of the available social networks.

Here is a fragment of pop-up window with additional discounts:

See the module on our demo site:

Module Social Shopping is an additional profit and cost savings!

Contact us and we will be happy to tell you about our new developments and about the module Social Shopping for collective buying sites!

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